YPT Podcast ep.76: Calling Youth to a God-Centered Faith (Richard Ross)
What does it mean for youth workers to call teenagers into lives that are marked by faithful worship and a vital union with Christ?

Helping Youth Navigate the Online World
How can youth workers and parents help youth navigate life online with godliness and wisdom, without over-reacting to the dangers of the digital world?

YPT Podcast 68: Should Youth Ministry be Incarnational? (Tim Gough)
We often anchor relational discipleship in Christ’s incarnation, but is that the best biblical and theological foundation?

How to Prepare Seniors For College and the Workforce
How can youth leaders prepare students for life after high school? It’s about so much more than a “Grad Night” or senior banquet.

YPT Podcast ep.67: Post-Confirmation Discipleship in Norway (Bård Norheim)
Ministry to students after confirmation (or baptism, depending on tradition) can pose some unique challenges. Hear about what the church in Norway is doing to establish youth in faith that lasts.

When Parents and Youth Pastors Disagree
What do you do when youth leaders and parents disagree about a teenager’s spiritual condition? This is a sensitive but common situation for youth leaders to handle with wisdom.

How to Cultivate and Develop Student Leaders
We can develop leaders in our student ministry in these two ways: casting a biblical vision of leadership and cultivating a system for leadership.

Service Projects and A Culture of Servanthood in Youth Ministry
Service projects and developing a culture of service in your youth group is an important way to grow students in Christian maturity. Here’s what that looks like and some help to get started.

YPT Podcast Episode 54: Discipling New Believers (Aaron Armstrong)
Discipling new believers is an incredible blessing, but also a challenge. What should they learn and where do we begin?

YPT Podcast Episode 51: Church Membership for Teenagers? (Justin Wong)
Should teenagers become members of the local church? Justin Wong joins the podcast to chew on the ways church membership can be a meaningful context for student discipleship.