YPT Podcast ep.76: Calling Youth to a God-Centered Faith (Richard Ross)

The Christian faith is not about “me and Jesus,” but about the glory of our Triune God. What does it mean for youth workers to call teenagers into lives that are marked by faithful worship and a vital union with Christ? Instead, many teenagers have a me-centered faith that treats Jesus like their therapist. This conversation with Dr. Richard Ross helps youth workers identify why this is such a serious problem and what needs to happen to correct it. 

  • What does a me-centered faith look like? Can you give a few examples? 

  • What are some ways that youth leaders can accidentally promote or enable a me-centered faith? 

  • Why do you see a high Christology as an antidote to a me-centered faith?

  • In past generations, there were teenagers who would live or die for the glory of King Jesus. Do you think we could see that in our day?

  • How might youth leaders and believing parents come to embrace a high Christology—so they could pass that to the teenagers?

Dr. Richard Ross has served as senior professor of student ministry at SouthWestern Baptist Theological Seminary since 2000. He served as a local-church youth minister for 30 years. Overlapping part of that time was 16 years of service as the youth ministry consultant at LifeWay Christian Resources. His entire life has focused on seeing Christ glorified in the lives of teenagers and their parents and leaders. 

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YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK. 


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