Friday Review (3/28/25)
This week’s best articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.

Better Than You Think
The Bible is clear that we’ve all run out on the God who made us, that we’re all in desperate need of his rescue, and that our fractured relationship with God is such a huge deal that the only way to put things right was for Jesus to give up his life in our place.

Teaching Youth About the Exclusivity of Christ
Gone are the days when we could take it for granted that students might believe without questioning that Jesus is the way, the truth, the life, and that no one comes to the Father except through Him. How should youth workers respond?

YPT Podcast ep.97: Jesus is Worth It (Chris Morphew)
How do we help youth follow Jesus when life and faith feels confusing? Chris Morphew joins the podcast to share about how to help then discover the following Jesus is Worth It!

Friday Review (3/21/25)
This week’s best articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.

Teaching Youth About Our Sinful Nature
Here are six truths about our sinful nature to help youth understand their need for Christ and their struggle with sin and temptation.

YPT Podcast ep.96: Teaching the Old Testament to Youth (Chelsea Erickson)
Why and how should we teach the Old Testament in youth ministry?

Friday Review (3/14/25)
This week’s best articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.

What Does the Bible Teach About Demons and Spiritual Warfare?
What does the Bible teach about demons, possession, and spiritual warfare? There are some clear answers, others that are fuzzy, and some helpful principles to keep in mind as you teach students about this question.

YPT Podcast ep.95: Speaking to Teenagers (Duffy Robbins)
Duffy Robbins shares insights on effective preaching and teaching in youth ministry, including a discussion about how long to teach for.