What I’d Tell My Rookie Self
Here are seven things I’d say if I could write a letter to myself as a rookie youth pastor.
Whatever You Do, Don’t Do This…
Clickbait leaves no room for meaningful thought and reflection, which undermines the nature of biblical discipleship. What’s that mean for our youth ministry?
Offering Students Rest in Your Youth Ministry
The longer I’ve spent in youth ministry, though, the more I’ve also seen that students are increasingly in need of healthy teaching and practices in the area of rest. Here are a few ways youth workers can teach students what the Bible says about rest while developing ministry practices that reflect that message.
Answering Common Objections to Theological Teaching in Youth Ministry
What are some common objections to theological teaching in youth group, and how can we respond?
How to Develop an Expository-Topical Series in Youth Group
How can youth pastors teach topical series that are also expository and faithful to Scripture?
7 Tips for Planning a Book of the Bible Series in Youth Ministry
So you want to teach through a book of the Bible in youth group but don’t know where or how to start? Here are seven tips to help you plan your book of the Bible series for teenagers.
How I’m Teaching the Old Testament at Youth Group
How can youth workers help students learn how to read, interpret, and apply the Old Testament? Here’s one way to teach the law and the Ten Commandments in youth group.
Ten Tips on Preaching to Teenagers
Here are my Top Ten Tips for Preaching to Teenagers… five are more doctrinal, and five are about delivery.
How I’m Teaching Colossians in Youth Group
I believe my students need to grow in Christian maturity, which is what Paul seeks to encourage within the church of Colossae. Here’s how I’m breaking down the series.