YPT is where Theology
and Youth Ministry meet
Youth Pastor Theologian is equipping youth workers around the world to disciple the next generation of Christians. That’ll require more than doctrinal instruction… but certainly not less! Our blog publishes regular content (usually Wednesday and Friday) and the podcast delivers a weekly conversation (usually on Tuesdays) to help you build on a solid foundation.
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Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry:
An Invitation to Youth Pastor Theologians
This ebook is a compilation of articles from YPT that equips readers to think theologically about youth ministry and to teach theologically in youth ministry. It’s also a great way to get to the heart of what YPT is all about. Please enjoy this free resource and encourage others to subscribe for their own free copy.
Introduction: What is a Youth Pastor Theologian?
Section One: Thinking Theologically about Youth Ministry
Elements of a Biblical Youth Ministry
We Need More Than Theology
Rethinking Attractional Ministry
Fun and Games in Youth Ministry
Funko Pop Discipleship
Section Two: Teaching Theologically within Youth Ministry
The Gospel is Narrow and Broad
Is the Trinity Essential to Salvation?
Teaching Students About the Atonement
Repentance and Young People
Reflection on Barna’s Open Generation Report