Our Mission:
YPT equips youth workers to call teenagers into Christian faith that’s big enough for them to grow into.
Our Vision:
We want to see theological renewal in youth ministry become a reality.
What We Believe:
YPT joyfully affirms the Lausanne Covenant. We affirm the historic Christian creeds, biblical inerrancy, historic Christian sexuality, and reject Christian Universalism.
YPT believes the mission of youth ministry isn’t to make teenage disciples, but adult disciples whose faith took root during the teen years. If we want to see that become a reality then we need a theological renewal in youth ministry. After all, if we aren’t having teaching youth about who God is then what in the world are we doing?
We aren’t trying to tell youth pastors they need to become theology professors in the youth room. But we are calling them towards theologically-rich discipleship that calls teenagers into a faith that’s big enough to grow into.
In order to see this vision become a reality, YPT is committed to equipping youth workers with resources, training, and support that will help them make lifelong disciples. This is why our ministry is primarily focused on helping youth ministries strengthen their biblical and theological teaching.
Mike McGarry
Founder/Director of Youth Pastor Theologian
Mike served as a Youth Pastor for 18 years and has two teenagers at home. He is an ordained pastor and earned his Doctor of Ministry degree in “Ministry to Emerging Generations” from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Mike is the author of Discover: Questioning Your Way to Faith (New Growth Press, 2023), Lead Them to Jesus: A Handbook for Youth Workers (New Growth Press, 2021), A Biblical Theology of Youth Ministry: Teenagers in the Life of the Church (Randall House, 2019), and was a contributor to Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry: A Practical Guide (Crossway, 2017). Visit the YPT Speaking page for more about bringing Mike to speak at your church, retreat, or conference.