Friday Review (10/11/24)
This week’s best articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
How to Teach the Prophetic Books in Youth Ministry
Students can learn a great deal by studying prophetic books. Below are four recurring ideas I have discovered as I have sought to teach teenagers the major and minor prophets.
YPT Podcast ep.77: Disciplemaking With Teen Boys (Jonathan Denton)
It’s no secret that boys and girls mature differently. How does that shape the way we minister to the teen guys in our youth ministries?
Friday Review (10/4/24)
This week’s best articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
How to Teach Biblical Narratives in Youth Ministry
Narratives include a specific pace, plot, and memorable lines from broadly sketched characters. Here are some principles to help you understand and teach biblical narrative.
YPT Podcast ep.76: Calling Youth to a God-Centered Faith (Richard Ross)
What does it mean for youth workers to call teenagers into lives that are marked by faithful worship and a vital union with Christ?
Friday Review (9/27/24)
This week’s best articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
Five Insights From Barna’s GenZ volume 3
Barna has released the third volume of research on GenZ. Here are five helpful insights to help you reach and disciple the next generation in the gospel.
Teaching the Broader Gospel: Glorification
We can help our students see the importance of living with the end in mind by showing them the culmination of the power, promise, and presence of God in glorification.
YPT Podcast ep.75: Ministry to Youth in Crisis (Seth Teegarden)
How can youth workers care for and minister to youth in crisis, many of whom have experienced various kinds of trauma?