YPT Podcast ep.75: Ministry to Youth in Crisis (Seth Teegarden)

Youth Ministry often brings us into students’ lives during difficult and painful times. Instead of avoiding that because it’s messy or complicated, the gospel calls us to walk beside youth and their families with love and compassion. Today we’re talking with Seth Teegarden about his experience as a house parent for kids in crisis, and about how that’s shaped his current ministry as a youth pastor. 

Discussion Includes:

  • Could you share about your experience serving in the group homes for at-risk youth? 

  • What do we mean by at-risk youth? 

  • What did you learn about love and compassion for kids and youth who have experienced trauma? 

  • How did this ministry shape your own relationship with your Heavenly Father, and what did you observe about the ways their trauma shaped the students’ perception of God? 

  • I’m thinking about youth leaders listening who are thinking about the students in their group and think, “My group is fine. We don’t have kids who’ve experienced trauma.” What counsel do you have for those youth leaders? 

  • What are some subtle ways youth leaders might accidentally prove themselves untrustworthy to students who need an advocate? 

  • How do you proclaim and apply the gospel to youth who are survivors of abuse and trauma? Are there any particular things you emphasize or avoid?  

Seth Teegarden is youth pastor at East Ellijay Baptist Church in northern Georgia. Seth and his wife Diana served as house parents in two different group homes for at-risk youth, which is the topic for today’s conversation. 

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YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK. 


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