God’s Omnipresence is Good News for Teenagers
We might believe God is omnipresent, but what difference does that really make for teenagers who are discovering how to life for Christ?
YPT Podcast ep.69: Contextualization in Youth Ministry (Mike Dicker)
Good and faithful youth ministry can look very different from context to context. How do we discern appropriate ways to accomodate to a culture in order to make disciples?
A Summary of The State of Theology: What do GenZ’s Christians Believe?
What does The State of Theology report tell us about the need for ongoing theological education in our churches?
Friday Review (4/26/24)
This week’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
Whatever You Do, Don’t Do This…
Clickbait leaves no room for meaningful thought and reflection, which undermines the nature of biblical discipleship. What’s that mean for our youth ministry?
YPT Podcast 68: Should Youth Ministry be Incarnational? (Tim Gough)
We often anchor relational discipleship in Christ’s incarnation, but is that the best biblical and theological foundation?
Friday Review (4/19/24)
This week’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
How to Prepare Seniors For College and the Workforce
How can youth leaders prepare students for life after high school? It’s about so much more than a “Grad Night” or senior banquet.
YPT Podcast ep.67: Post-Confirmation Discipleship in Norway (Bård Norheim)
Ministry to students after confirmation (or baptism, depending on tradition) can pose some unique challenges. Hear about what the church in Norway is doing to establish youth in faith that lasts.
Friday Review (4/12/24)
This week’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.