Rites of Passage at Home and in the Church
What are Rites of Passage and how can they become moments for families and church communities to help young people form their identity around Christ?
YPT Podcast ep.66: Christian Universalism and GenZ (Andrew Slay)
In today's conversation, we discuss what Christian Universalism is and how youth workers can help students build their faith on the biblical message.
Friday Review (4/5/24)
This week’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
Ministry During Transitions: from Children’s Ministry to Youth Group
How do we help students transition from the children’s ministry into the youth ministry… and how do we support parents through the journey too?
YPT Podcast 65: Being God’s Image (Dr. Carmen Joy Imes)
So many of today’s cultural landmines find their resolution in the Image of God. What does this doctrine mean and how can we talk about it with teenagers?
Reflecting on the Transgender Day of Visibility and Easter
Reflections on the Transgender Day of Visibility and Easter falling on the same day. How do we discuss this with students and help them find new life in Christ?
Friday Review (3/29/24)
This week’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
Finding the Right Apologist for the Right Moment
Do you find yourself leaning on the same few apologists or apologetic method? Here are some good exemplars of various apologetic postures.
YPT Podcast 64: Preaching in Youth Ministry (John Gardner)
Teenagers don’t need more opinions, they need God’s Word. But how can normal youth leaders teach with biblical depth and pastoral warmth?
Friday Review (3/22/24)
This week’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.