YPT Podcast 65: Being God’s Image (Dr. Carmen Joy Imes)

The Image of God (or Imago Dei) is one of the most important doctrines for youth pastors to teach teenagers, because almost every cultural landmine today finds its resolution in what it means to bear the image of God. That’s why I’m excited to be talking with Dr. Imes today about her new book, Being God’s Image

  • What is the doctrine of the Image of God and what prompted you to write this book now?

  • Early in the book, you make the distinction between being created IN God’s image and being created AS God’s image. Could you share a little more about that distinction? 

  • What are some areas where the Imago Dei finds a lot of resonance in today’s culture, and what are some areas where it’s a powerful corrective? 

  • What’s the relationship between the Imago Dei and the gospel? 

  • How can youth workers teach and talk faithfully about the Imago Dei and human dignity in the midst of the effects of sin and the fall? 

  • Do you have any practical recommendations for youth workers who want to teach about the Image of God? 


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