YPT Podcast ep.85: Apologetics and Doubt in Youth Ministry (Mary Jo Sharp)
How can youth leaders help students navigate doubt well, and what role does apologetics play in a Bible-teaching ministry?
Finding the Right Apologist for the Right Moment
Do you find yourself leaning on the same few apologists or apologetic method? Here are some good exemplars of various apologetic postures.
Five Key Areas of Apologetics for Student Ministry
These five areas of apologetics will help our students defend the faith and demonstrate the beauty of the grand story of redemption
Apologetics as a Posture, not an Argument
Three biblical examples showing that apologetics takes a posture according to the context and type of conversation.
What is the Relationship Between Apologetics and Theology?
Theology must precede apologetics since apologetics is a defense of one’s beliefs against challenges.
Can Christians Believe in Evolution?
This excerpt from the book “Discover: Questioning Your Way to Faith” helps teenagers grapple with their questions about creation and evolution.