Building an Advent/Christmas Series for Youth Group with Simplicity and Depth
Let’s not be so clever about building our Christmas/Advent series that we’ve lost the plot. Here are three ways youth groups can study Christmas and Advent while keeping Jesus’ birth central.
YPT Podcast Episode 51: Church Membership for Teenagers? (Justin Wong)
Should teenagers become members of the local church? Justin Wong joins the podcast to chew on the ways church membership can be a meaningful context for student discipleship.
Friday Review (11/17/23)
This week’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
Five Ways to Observe Christmas Afresh
Here are five ways to approach Advent and Christmas in your student ministry afresh, as either a one-off Christmas message or an Advent series.
YPT Podcast’s 50th Episode! (featuring Jason Engle, Alex Tufano, & Will Standridge)
In this special 50th episode, Mike is joined by three of YPT's regular writers to discuss what it means to be a youth pastor theologian and to celebrate what the Lord is doing through this ministry.
Friday Review (11/10/23)
This week’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
Thanksgiving is More Than an “Attitude of Gratitude”
How can youth workers lead students beyond an “attitude of gratitude” this Thanksgiving, and prompt them to recalibrate their thankfulness around the eternal promises of God?
YPT Podcast Episode 49: Leading a Faithful Children’s Ministry (Sam Luce)
Youth workers and children's ministry often fail to have intentional collaboration and transitions. How can we correct that as we work together to serve families?
Friday Review (11/3/23)
This week’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
Preaching the Gospel to an Honor/Shame Generation
GenZ and GenAlpha are shifting towards an Honor/Shame Culture. How does this affect the way we preach and apply the gospel in our youth ministries?