YPT Podcast Episode 51: Church Membership for Teenagers? (Justin Wong)

Should teenagers become members of the local church? If so, what does that involve - can they vote, join boards and hold positions of leadership? This is a question an increasing number of youth workers are asking, and Justin Wong joins the podcast to chew on the ways church membership can be a meaningful context for student discipleship. 

Discussion includes:

  • What are some of the questions we should be asking about church membership and youth ministry?

  • What happens when you actually implement church membership? When teens become members, what happens next?

  • How has your church culture shaped your approach to church membership?

  • What are some common objections?

  • At what age should teenagers be able to vote?

  • What do you do when a student wants to join but a parent is opposed?

Justin Wong is the Pastor to Youth at Chinese Baptist Church in Houston, TX. He has earned his Doctor of Ministry degree and is currently working on his Doctor of Education. Justin and his wife have who daughters. 

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YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK. 


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