The Benefits of Historical Theology for Youth Ministry
Church History and historical theology provide a surprising number of benefits for youth workers who want to meaningfully engage today’s students with the gospel.
Is Christian Universalism True?
The gospel proclaims salvation for sinners. But does that mean literally everyone will be saved, or only those who believe in Jesus?
The Gospel is Relational (not merely legal)
The Gospel is more than God declaring “Not Guilty!” It’s a restoration into fellowship with our saving God through the finished work of Christ.
How Can Christian Parents Help Their Teenagers Think Theologically About Culture?
How can Christian parents disciple their teenagers to build a Christian worldview by helping their kids evaluate culture through a gospel-centered framework? Here’s an example of what that can look like.
Monthly Review: July 2023
This month’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
God’s Eternality is Good News for Youth Ministry
How can youth workers respond to the disparity between the three hours/week students spend at church and the 109 waking hours in the rest of the week?
Advice for New Youth Ministers
It can feel overwhelming to be a new youth ministry. Here’s advice as you begin, and a downloadable guide for new youth ministers.
Can Christians Believe in Evolution?
This excerpt from the book “Discover: Questioning Your Way to Faith” helps teenagers grapple with their questions about creation and evolution.
Three Homiletical Lenses to Strengthen Your Bible Teaching
These three lenses will help youth ministers teach and apply the Bible to their students more effectively.
Friday Review (6/30/23)
This week’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.