Friday Review (5/26/23)
This week’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
Tim Keller’s Influence on Gospel-Centered Youth Ministry
Tim Keller’s influence on gospel-centered youth ministry is hard to capture. Here are three recommended Keller resources for youth workers and some words of gratitude for his influence.
Where Does Age-Segmented Ministry and Consumerism Come From?
Where does age-segmented ministry come from and how does consumerism come into play? Understanding the origins of modern youth ministry will help us chart a better path forward.
YPT Podcast Episode 39: Gospel-Centered Pedagogy and Church Membership as Discipleship (Justin Wong)
What does it mean to develop a gospel-centered pedagogy, and how can church membership become a meaningful element of the way you disciple students into Christian maturity?
Friday Review (5/19/23)
This week’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
Why the Ascension Matters for Christians Today
What is the ascension and why does it matter can also be asked this way: What is Jesus doing in Heaven today? This is a surprisingly applicable message for teenagers.
YPT Podcast Episode 38: Can Calvinists and Arminians be Friends? (Chris Talbot)
Why does the Calvinism and Arminianism debate continue to carry importance today, and how can youth workers learn to partner with each other for the sake of the Great Commission?
Friday Review (5/12/23)
This week’s top articles for youth workers on biblical and theological studies, youth and pastoral ministry, partnering with parents, and cultural engagement.
Partnering with YPT to Make a Global Impact
Learn more about Youth Pastor Theologian’s mission and our impact on youth workers around the world. Will you partner with us to encourage youth workers to pursue theological depth in ministry to the next generation?
Resisting the Prosperity Gospel in Student Ministry
The prosperity gospel is especially appealing to students for a variety of reasons, but youth ministers aren’t left short-handed. The gospel truly is good news and delivers what the prosperity gospel cannot. Here are some ways youth workers can call students to resist the prosperity gospel.