YPT Podcast Episode 39: Gospel-Centered Pedagogy and Church Membership as Discipleship (Justin Wong)

Youth workers agree that we want to make disciples, but it’s easy to fall into a rhythm of ministry that hopes discipleship will happen. Intentionally leading your ministry to value church membership and gospel-centered pedagogy will clarify your focus and provide a discipleship plan to serve your students well. 

  • Why does church membership matter and what would you say to a youth pastor who’s never thought about church membership for their students? 

  • How do you reply to teenagers (and parents) who say church membership isn’t important for teenagers? 

  • What do you mean by “gospel-centered pedagogy?” Could you explain that with a few examples that contrast it with non-gospel-centered pedagogy?

Excerpt From the Conversation

If you're doing youth ministry, know that you're not alone. Know that you had men and women that are struggling alongside with you. But we're also in a really rare company where we get a privilege and the burden to do something that no other realm of society get to do. We get to minister to the souls of students and parents. And I'm like, that is a vantage point that only a handful of us get to do. And I'm like, Hey, be blessed in it, whether it's a long season or short season, but use this season for, for the gospel, be intentional because the days are very short and our time is very quick in this ministry. And so while you have the chance, youth pastors, I implore you. to preach the word, to be bathed in the grace that he's afforded to you at your calling. And so blessings to you guys who are listening. Mike, appreciate the time, brother. This has been just a great time of edification for myself.

About This Episode

Justin Wong is the Pastor to Youth at Chinese Baptist Church in Houston, TX. He has earned his Doctor of Ministry degree and is currently working on his Doctor of Education. Justin and his wife have who daughters. 

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YPT has published an ebook that's a free download for subscribersYouth Ministry is Theological Ministry captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK. 


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