Advice for New Youth Ministers
It can feel overwhelming to be a new youth ministry. Here’s advice as you begin, and a downloadable guide for new youth ministers.
Church Discipline and Student Ministry
What does discipline look like in student ministry, and how do we approach it in a way that leads to holiness and restoration?
What Would Jesus Say About Pride Month?
How can parents and youth workers help Christian teenagers respond to Pride month in a way that ministers to their LGBTQIA+ peers? Let’s learn from the way Jesus cared for people, and do likewise.
Where Does Age-Segmented Ministry and Consumerism Come From?
Where does age-segmented ministry come from and how does consumerism come into play? Understanding the origins of modern youth ministry will help us chart a better path forward.
Intentional Presence at Graduation and in the Summer
During graduation season and the summer when relational ministry is common, how can youth workers show up on purpose?
It Shouldn’t Be This Way - A Reflection on the Covenant School Shooting
A Nashville area youth pastor reflects on ministry to students and families in the aftermath of the Covenant School Shooting.
Should We Celebrate Baptism and the Lord’s Supper at Youth Group?
Should we celebrate Baptism and the Lord’s Supper at camps, youth group, and small groups? A sensitive question, but an important one to ask.
A Statement on Women in Youth Ministry
Why does YPT take a welcoming posture towards women in youth ministry and clarifying our boundaries for partnership and collaboration.
Theology for Youth Ministry in a Suffering Cuba
A generation of Cubans is searching for hope and security that cannot be found through their government or any other. What they need is not an escape, but a theological foundation from which they can rebuild.
5 Ways MLK Inspires Me to Be a Better Youth Pastor
Here are five waysMartin Luther King Jr’s life and ministry can equip youth pastors for ministry.