Teaching Students the Theology of Christmas
With Students’ senses already prepared by the Advent season, we can help students dive into the rich theology of Christmas. Here are a few great truths to put Jesus and the gospel front-and-center with students during the Christmas season.
Embracing Advent in Student Ministry
Some church traditions place Advent front-and-center, while it merely gets a head-nod in others. Whichever your church tradition may be, I believe it’s wise to think about some of the central Advent themes, and to consider how to emphasize those in our youth groups.
Aligning your Professed and Actual Theologies
If you reverse-engineered the theology and ministry philosophy that’s apparent by your programming, budget-priorities, and emphases in teaching - would it reveal the same theology and ministry philosophy you profess?
Telling the Whole Story
Many youth workers, in an attempt to “cut to the chase,” accidentally short-change the very gospel they hope that their audience will understand. The reason is because they aren’t telling the whole story.
What is Attractional Ministry?
Attractional ministry is the default setting for the majority of today’s youth workers, but what actually is attractional ministry? One of the key differences between attractional and gospel-centered youth ministry is the primacy of Bible teaching.
Spiritual Maturity and Spiritual Dependence
While maturity in our culture is often marked by increased independence, spiritual maturity has a different aim altogether.
Youth Ministry and Student Leadership
The Apostle Paul said pastoral ministry should “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12). Discipleship, then, must involve some measure of equipping students for ministry.
Telling Students the Truth About Our Broken World
Our impulse often compels us to try and shield young people from the reality of our broken world. Students do not need us to protect them from reality. They need us to help them process it in a biblically accurate way.
When to Tell Parents What
When should youth workers tell parents what students have shared in confidence? Here are two categories that can help you discern, and a helpful clarification about promising confidentiality to students.
Historical and Theological Trends in Youth Ministry
Youth ministry (as we know it) is at a crossroads. As a 67 year-old youth pastor who has served in youth ministry since the mid-70’s, here are some of my observations based off what I’ve seen and am seeing.