YPT Podcast ep.93: Theology of Art and Ministry to Artsy Youth (Melody Bellefeuille-Frost)
Youth Group isn’t always a place where artsy youth feel a sense of belonging. And yet, the Church, historically, has been a haven for the arts. How can youth workers develop a biblical appreciation for art and serve our students who are artistically-minded?
Discussion Includes:
Historically, there’s been a rich relationship between the church and the arts. But what have you observed about the church’s posture towards the arts in today’s church?
Could you walk us through the biblical and theological significance of art?
Can you share a little about the creative mindset, and how artists might think through things like the bible and theology differently from others?
Do you think the church is doing a good job ministering to and discipling artists?
What are some of the unique challenges of youth ministry to teenagers who are artsy?
If a youth pastor isn’t artsy, what are some ways they could connect better with students in their ministry who are?
Melody Bellefeuille-Frost is a PhD candidate at the Instute for Theology, Imagination, and the Arts at the University of St. Andrews and is a minister in the Wesleyan Church. Her research examines the images of Christ from European Jesuit and Japanese Christian religious cultures.
Recommended Resources:
Art and Faith: A Theology of Making, by Makoto Fujimura
Visual Faith, by William Dyrness
For the Beauty of the Church: Casting a Vision for the Arts, by W. David Taylor
Melody’s Website: https://www.melodybellefeuillefrost.ca/
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