Friday Review (2/21/25)
Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)
Youth Ministry
Advice from a College Student: Go to Church, by Luke Engstrom (Christian Research Institute)
In an era of new-age mysticism, blind spirituality quests, and even “just-me-and-Jesus-without-the-church” spiritual journeys, it can be difficult to understand why the church is essential to Christian living. The abundance of biblical and theological resources we can access at a moment’s notice makes it that much easier to stream a YouTube church service from halfway across the globe.
Two Views on Teaching Teenagers About Baptism and Communion (Part I), by Michael Goldstein (Rooted)
As I reflected on this problem, I realized that this wasn’t only a programmatic issue, but it was an ecclesiological one. We needed to help kids see themselves as a valuable, contributing part of the family of God by teaching them about what church is and why we go to church. I’ll admit, this is a particular challenge within non-denominational churches like ours because non-denoms are often a-traditional, fluid communities disconnected from proven ecclesial structures.
Biblical & Theological Studies
The Reluctant Polemicist, by Kyle Borg (Gentle Reformation)
In my opinion, the church needs the reluctant polemicist. We don't need reluctant people without polemics, nor do we need polemics without reluctance. We need those with an uncompromising backbone who are willing and able to zealously contend for biblical doctrine, worship, and godliness.
What Are the Sacraments, and Why Do They Matter?, by Jon Nielson (Crossway)
One of the most important aspects of church life is the celebration of the sacraments—the Lord’s Supper and baptism. But despite this importance, there is much misunderstanding about the sacraments among believers. Hopefully by the end of this discussion you will have a better understanding of the meaning and importance of the sacraments in your life as a Christian and as a member of Christ’s universal and local church.
Cultural Reflection & Contextualization
The Luka Trade and The Peril of Emotional Decision-Making, by Daniel Darling (One Little Word)
Whether or not you are a sports fan like me, there is an important lesson to be learned from this move: never make major decisions from pure emotion. The worst decisions I’ve ever made were when I was either angry or euphoric when I let a rush of adrenalin cloud my judgment.
Bombing The Hill: Walter Mitty’s Engagement with Technology, by Emeri Glen (Center for Faith & Culture)
Now, I’m not recommending that you ditch your day job and go flying down a mountain on four wheels and a plank of wood (although, if that’s right up your alley, please, by all means). I am saying, however, that Christians ought to chase after the things of Christ. This doesn’t always look like wild adventure, but does mean refusing to allow technology to frame the way that we see and interact with the world.
Pastoral Ministry
The Pastor As Host, by Todd Chipman (For the Church)
Having identified the conceptual framework of these pastoral qualifications and pitfalls to avoid when interpreting them, we can consider Paul’s statement that the pastor must be hospitable. I identify two reasons why Paul lists hospitality as a qualification for pastoral ministry.
Building Churches Out of Other Churches, by Tim Challies
We take it as a mark of a healthy church that people want to join it and that may be true. But we cannot be truly healthy unless we are fulfilling the Great Commission which is not a call to go to the churches but to the nations and not a call to glean among the sheaves but to glean in the farthest of fields.
Family & Parents
Don’t Let Your Fears Hold Back Your Children, by Melissa Edgington (Your Mom Has a Blog)
Only you know your children, so I won’t pretend that there’s a black and white prescriptive system for making these decisions. Each child needs different measures of freedom and safekeeping. But I will say that one thing we need to be careful of is holding our kids back because of our fears.
The Sacred Mundane, by Vanessa Doughty (Fields and Valleys)
The routines and traditions and cadence we create and take care to maintain become woven into the fabric of our homes. They create a comforting and familiar blanket of security and warmth and love we wrap around our families. A gift made up of many (often) unseen labors each presented as an offering of ourselves to our Lord and the people He has gifted us to care for.
From YPT this week
YPT Podcast ep.92: Trends in Youth Ministry with Walt Mueller
What's happening in the youth ministry world today (some positive, some concerning) and how did we get here?
How I’m Teaching Gospel Apologetics in Youth Group by Joseph Bradley
How one youth pastor is teaching his youth group to understand why they can be confident in the truth of the gospel… and how you can too.