5 Tips to Help You Teach Difficult Passages in Youth Group
Here are some lessons I’ve learned over the last two decades about teaching difficult passages and doctrines to teenagers.

YPT Podcast ep.73: Preaching that Connects (Matt Kim)
Most of us have listened to sermons that were biblically and theologically sound, but they weren’t helpful. In today’s conversation, we want to help youth leaders preach and teach in a way that connects with the youth in your ministry.

YPT Podcast 64: Preaching in Youth Ministry (John Gardner)
Teenagers don’t need more opinions, they need God’s Word. But how can normal youth leaders teach with biblical depth and pastoral warmth?

How to Develop an Expository-Topical Series in Youth Group
How can youth pastors teach topical series that are also expository and faithful to Scripture?

7 Tips for Planning a Book of the Bible Series in Youth Ministry
So you want to teach through a book of the Bible in youth group but don’t know where or how to start? Here are seven tips to help you plan your book of the Bible series for teenagers.

Ten Tips on Preaching to Teenagers
Here are my Top Ten Tips for Preaching to Teenagers… five are more doctrinal, and five are about delivery.

5 Ways John Piper Made Me a Better Student Pastor
A new series highlighting preachers and writers who have helped us become better youth workers. This contribution reflects on key themes of John Piper’s ministry that can helps youth workers make disciples who are joyful worshippers.

Say it Simple
Youth pastor theologians strive to make complicated things become simple, rather than the other way around.

Fill Their Cup
“How long should I teach at youth group?” This is a common question new youth pastors ask. In the midst of competing emphases on expository preaching and the reality of students’ attention span, it’s hard to know what our teaching should look like in youth ministry. Here’s a basic framework to help you evaluate your teaching.