YPT Podcast ep.95: Speaking to Teenagers (Duffy Robbins)

Duffy Robbins shares insights on effective preaching and teaching in youth ministry, including a discussion about how long to teach for. Robbins emphasizes that youth will listen for as long as they're engaged, but they'll check out once they're bored. So, how do we teach with biblical and theological depth that engages them with the gospel? 

  • What is it about youth ministry that keeps you invested in doing it? 

  • As people talk about teenagers’ shortened attention spans and how they don’t really listen to what we teach from up-front anyways… is Bible teaching still important? 

  • Could you bring us into your process for crafting a message and delivering it to youth? 

  • How do you think social media and GenAlpha’s hands-on approach to learning in schools should affect the way we teach them the Bible in youth group? 

  • What are some trends you’re seeing in youth ministry today, both positive and concerning? How do you think we should respond to those? 

Duffy Robbins has been one of the leading thinkers and practitioners in youth ministry for over 40 years. He’s a professor at Grove City College, co-leads the D.Min. program at GCTS on “Ministry to Emerging Generations”, has written dozens of books over the years, and is still on the road speaking to youth most weekends at camps and retreats. 

Follow Duffy on Instagram: @duffyrobbins

Find Duffy's books on Amazon

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