Friday Review (6/14/24)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

Three Modes of Evangelism for Youth Ministry, by Mitchell Dixon (Rooted)

So while evangelism is not less than works of love and kindness, it is absolutely more. The Bible speaks clearly that a simple way to understand evangelism is with the definition: “the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed.” Still, we need to understand the ethos, or a heart, for how to engage evangelism.

Biblical & Theological Studies

Body Matters in Genesis, by Andrew Bunt (Think Theology)

In a time when both secular culture and popular Christian thinking have a tendency to undervalue the body and to overvalue the internal or non-physical (whether that’s called ‘true self’ or ‘soul’), I think it’s better to use the imperfect language that might help us to correct our imbalance.

Who Was the ‘Black Spurgeon’?, by Kelvin Washington (The Gospel Coalition)

I was five years into my study of the African American theological tradition, nearly finished with my dissertation, when I first learned about the man affectionately known as the “Black Spurgeon.” Though he isn’t well known today, he was one of his generation’s greatest preachers and his story testifies to God’s faithfulness.

3 Reasons Why Your Small Group Is Not a Church, by Matthew Emadi (Crossway)

To put it another way, a local church is an earthly embassy of Christ’s heavenly kingdom; a small group is not. In what follows, I will explain three reasons why your small group is not a church, but keep in mind that all three reasons (not just the first) are simply clarifying and unpacking this fundamental point: churches wield heaven’s authority, small groups do not.

Cultural Reflection & Contextualization

The Problem with Livestreams, by Patrick Miller (Endeavor)

A digital ministry, if you’re going to have one, can’t be skeuomorphic. It must be native to the digital platform. And the minute you go native, you must reflect on the nature of how that medium changes the message and the content itself—lest the medium become your message.

Pastoral Ministry

Love (All) Your Neighbors, by Scott Hubbard (Desiring God)

Rather, love for God appears (or not) in how a person treats his neighbors. So, if you want to see someone’s spiritual sincerity more clearly, don’t mainly watch him in church. Watch him with his children. Watch him at work. Watch him in traffic. Watch him when offended. For you will know him by his neighbor-love.

Preaching Really Is The Answer, by Craig Thompson

Too many churches are dying, not because they are not well-managed or well-led, but because they are too well-led. There are too many leaders in the church who are effectively managing the church, but not nearly enough of the church body who are eagerly surrendering to the Word of God and submitting to the authority of the preached Word and the man who preaches it.

Church Discipline in the Digital Age, by Seth Troutt (Mere Orthodoxy)

For life in the church, things aren’t much different today than they were in the days that Paul wrote 1 Corinthians: the unbelieving world looks on and into the church and sees a group of hypocrites in part because we so often fail to discipline the church and in part because, when we do, we are prone to butchering people. If we want to be faithful to our mission as Christ followers, church discipline is simply not optional.

Family & Parents

Prayer: Introducing Spiritual Disciplines to Our Toddlers, by Meredith Cook (Center for Faith & Culture)

At this point, you may be wondering what this has to do with teaching spiritual disciplines to toddlers. Well, if I struggle with certain spiritual disciplines myself, then it can feel overwhelming to try to institute these practices when you throw tiny people and all their impulses, energy, and emotions into the mix.

Thank You, Parents, for Your Sunday Faithfulness, by Caleb Batchelor (The Gospel Coalition)

Gathering with the church on Sunday morning is one of the most important things a Christian does. But if you’re a fellow parent of young children, it may also be one of the hardest things you do.

From YPT this week

Helping Youth Navigate the Online World by Robin Barfield

How can youth workers and parents help youth navigate life online with godliness and wisdom, without over-reacting to the dangers of the digital world?


Book Review: Knowing God, by J.I. Packer


Helping Youth Navigate the Online World