Book Review: Knowing God, by J.I. Packer

J.I. Packer’s “Knowing God” is undoubtedly one of the great classic Christian books from the past hundred years. It takes us on a journey into the reasons we need to know God. Packer writes, “Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God, most of life's problems fall into place of their own accord” (pg. 35). 

Knowing God emphasizes what we need to know about who God is. Packer comments, “There is tremendous relief in knowing His love to me is utterly realistic, based at every point on prior knowledge of the worst about me, so that no discovery can disillusion him about me, in the way I am so often disillusioned about myself, and quench his determination to bless me (pg. 42).” Lastly, the author provides practical thoughts on how knowing about God leads us to deeply know and live for God’s glory in our lives. Knowing God is a balance of our head, heart, and hands working together to strengthen the reader’s relationship with the Lord. 

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The book is divided into three parts: “Knowing the Lord”, “Beholding Your God”, and “If God Be For Us”, which focuses on knowing God through the Son, Jesus Christ. Throughout each of these sections, Packer explores various characteristics of God's character, such as His sovereignty, holiness, and grace deepen our relationship with Him. This provides a helpful balance between intellectually knowing about God and the relational side of knowing God Himself. Regarding this Packer explains, “Our aim in studying the Godhead must be to know God himself better. Our concern must be to enlarge our acquaintance, not simply with the doctrine of God’s attributes, but with the living God whose attributes they are (pg. 23).” 

The foundation of this book lies in the reason why we and others should know God. Possessing a true knowledge of God will influence and be evident in a person's life. The author names four things that will be the result of knowing God: Great energy for God, great thoughts of God, great boldness for God, and great contentment in God. 

To really know God, He must speak to us and teach us about Himself. We must come to know God as He revealed Himself to the prophets and apostles as given to us in the Scriptures. 

Strengths of the Book

The main reason for this book being a classic work is the relational tone of writing. It feels as if you are sitting in Packer’s house or classroom listening to stories and hearing from God’s Word about who God is. There are few works you could find that uniquely show the grandeur of our God and at the same time providing us with a portrait of the loving and personal care of the Lord that we serve. 

One of the other great strengths of this book is how accessible it is for the reader. There is an abundance of rich doctrine and practical theology here, but it written for any person to be able to comprehend with ease. This mix of biblical exposition of the different attributes of God, invites us to worship God more or live them out to bring glory to God’s name. 

Lastly, this work depends on the right authority for understanding who God is. The top priority for Christians today is to stand tall on the very words from God. If you want to truly know God, allow Him to speak to you through the words He gave us in the Bible.  

Weaknesses of the Book

One of the hard parts of reading a Christian classic work like this is how the illustrations and examples become outdated. You will find some of this in “Knowing God”, with references with drug issues and politicians that many young readers would not know. It can cause this classic work to not connect with a quickly changing culture. 

The cultural context this book was written there is an assumption of some beliefs and words that may need more definition and explanation with the younger generations and time we live in today. Words and ideas like idolatry and propitiation may need more fleshing out to benefit those who come from a post-Christian background. 

Lastly, regarding the writing style, there appears to be a lot of information packed into each chapter. This can be hard for younger people and those new to the faith, who may prefer small bite-sized chunks at a time and with a slower pace. 

Why It’s a Good Book for Youth Ministers to Read 

One of the main goals for youth pastors is to help the teenagers and parents they shepherd to know about who God is and to nurture a personal and flourishing relationship with God. Packer’s “Knowing God” provides a rich guide. It powerfully lays out the reasons for why we lead and minister as pastors, giving us a strong foundation from God’s Word in how we can persevere in what we are doing. 

With those specifically ministering to young people, this classic book offers a foundation that the current generation needs to face the world that they are living in. Many students over the years have benefited from studying and working through this book that works best for high schoolers and above. Youth pastors have a deep desire for teenagers to grow a strong spiritual backbone, this book deeply meets that need. 

J.I. Packer’s “Knowing God” has been an influential book that people have turned to for over fifty years. It provides the reader with a knowledge and applicable takeaways that gives a rich and personal understanding about the one, true God of the universe. Whether youth pastors read this book with high schoolers or simply digest it themselves and pass on to students what they’ve learned, this book will help build a foundation and backbone to guide our young people for years to come, with any challenge they may face in their lives. 


Friday Review (6/21/24)


Friday Review (6/14/24)