YPT Podcast Episode 54: Discipling New Believers (Aaron Armstrong)

Discipling new believers is a blessed challenge. Youth pastor theologians need to be thoughtful and have a plan for how to help students in the weeks and months after they make a profession of faith. But how?! 

Conversation Includes: 

  • How is the religious climate in Canada different from the Bible Belt and hows that affect the way we minister to youth?

  • Why is a book like I’m a Christian – Now What? necessary? How do you envision it being read and by whom? 

  • When students first profess faith in Christ, how can youth workers and parents help them understand what just happened and what to do next? 

  • What are some doctrinal truths that and Christian habits you think are most important to teach new believers, and how do you recommend doing that? 

  • How can we help new believers develop a healthy and intimate prayer life? 

Aaron Armstrong is the author of several books for adults and children, documentary screenwriter, ministry leader, and podcaster. His most recent book I’m a Christian—Now What? A Guide to Your New Life with Christ (Lexham Press, 2023).

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