Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry:
An Invitation to Youth Pastor Theologians

This ebook is an edited compilation of some of YPT’s best articles, grouped around our two core purposes: to help you think biblically about what youth ministry is, and to train you to teach theologically with confidence. Download the ebook in your preferred format, but please do not share the file or this subscribers-only page with others - instead, encourage them to subscribe to Youth Pastor Theologian to receive it themselves.

Any donation you choose to give to YPT will enable us to provide more resources like this for youth workers like you!

Introduction: What is a Youth Pastor Theologian? 

Section One: Thinking Theologically about Youth Ministry

  • Elements of a Biblical Youth Ministry 

  • We Need More Than Theology 

  • Rethinking Attractional Ministry 

  • Fun and Games in Youth Ministry 

  • Funko Pop Discipleship 

Section Two: Teaching Theologically within Youth Ministry

  • The Gospel is Narrow and Broad

  • Is the Trinity Essential to Salvation?

  • Teaching Students About the Atonement 

  • Repentance and Young People 

  • Reflection on Barna’s Open Generation Report