New Youth Leader Packet & Application

Recruiting new volunteers is an ongoing challenge for many youth ministries. This resource will help you identify and recruit new leaders to build a strong team that ministers to the students in your ministry.

Six attributes to look for in a new youth worker (borrowed from Lead Them to Jesus, pages 87-89.):

1. Genuinely Converted: Remember, youth ministry is theological ministry. We aren’t just playing games and creating a safe space. We are making disciples.

2. A Track Record of Faithfulness: Not a recent convert, but someone who will set a godly example for students. This isn’t an age limit, but a maturity marker.

3. Relates Well to Teenagers: Look for people who are already engaging with students during fellowship times in church.

4. Keeps Commitments: If they have a habit of making church commitments but not following through, don’t expect something different again.

5. Is Available: They could be incredible in a thousand ways, but if they can’t be present then they can’t serve.

6. Receives Correction Well: There will be conflict, how wil you/they navigate it so it doesn’t become divisive or personal?

While recruiting new volunteers, it’s wise to have three types of conversations/interviews with potential youth leaders.

  • First Conversation: informal “get to know you” that focuses on your approach to youth ministry and why they are interested in serving. The most important part of this conversation will be youth and the potential volunteer sharing your testimonies with each other and hearing whether or not they can clearly articulate the gospel. After this, I give them the application to complete.

  • Second Conversation: talk through the application responses. If I have any yellow lights or flags, I’m honest about those with them in order to give them a chance to demonstrate why those concerns shouldn’t prevent them from serving. After this I run a nationwide background check. After the background check clears, I’d invite them to come and observe for a week or two at youth group before starting in any leadership capacity.

  • Third/Final Conversation: talk through their particular place in the ministry, any of their own concerns, and we clarify any expectations around the commitment. This is also a good time to discuss the awkward question, “If we need to have a hard conversation in the future, what would be the best way for me to approach that so it’s helpful and doesn’t create unnecessary tension?”

This PDF is a sample new leader packet. It has been provided by a youth pastor as an imperfect aid to help you in your efforts to recruit and build a strong leadership team. This packet includes an overview of their mission and programs, highlights a few different areas where new leaders can serve, and a youth worker application.


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