Books to Read With Students

Whether you’re looking for a good resource to discuss with a student who is considering Christianity, or if you’re mentoring a student whose faith is beginning to flourish - have a quiver of good resources will help your ministry to students. But finding good books can feel like a daunting task. Here is a list of some of the best books we recommend for students.

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What it Means to Be a Christian

Discover: Questioning Your Way to Faith, by Mike McGarry
It’s ok for you to have questions about your faith. You aren’t the only one that has those questions, and you shouldn’t be embarrassed by them. In Discover: Questioning Your Way to Faith, Mike McGarry explores the twenty most common questions teenagers ask.  

The Jesus I Wish I Knew in High School, by the Rooted Ministry
This is a student devotional with 30 chapters by 30 diverse authors, reflecting on what they wish they knew about Jesus in high school. It’s a gospel-saturated book that helps students learn how to apply the gospel to their everyday experiences.

The New City Catechism
A modern compilation of classic catechisms of the Church, expressing the core teachings of Christianity in a simple question-and-answer format. Crossway, the publisher, has also published a devotional, a children’s edition and children’s curriculum based on it.

RYM’s Track Series
These books are written specifically for teenagers, to help them thinking biblically about important topics. Accessible and easy to read, these books are a treasure for youth workers.

Basic Christianity, by John Stott
A simple and straightforward book that unpacks the essential truths of Christianity.

Concise Theology, by J.I. Packer
It may seem like an intimidating book, but the chapters are short, readable, and dense… perfect to read with a student who wants to dig into the meat of what it means to be a Christian.

A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible, by Tim Challies and Josh Byers
We’ve all struggled with students thinking they already know everything about the Bible - this is a compelling resource that draws students into God’s Word.

Superheroes Can’t Save You: Epic Examples of Historic Heresies, by Todd Miles
In this book, Dr. Todd Miles teaches about Christological heresies by comparing them with different superheroes. For example, Superman represents Docetism because he seems like a human, but is isn’t; and Batman represents Liberalism because he’s nothing more than a remarkable human. This is a creative and understandable way to teach students important theological foundations for their maturing faith.

Apologetics Type of Books

The Big 10 Series
This series features short and accessible books address the big questions people ask about Christianity. So far, only five have been published but others are on their way.

10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity, by Rebecca McLaughlin
McLaughlin’s writing style is extremely readable, easy to understand, and profoundly engaging. Students who read these books will actually understand them, and they will be blessed. Her style of apologetics is compelling to postChristian readers.

Help My Unbelief: Why Doubt is not the Enemy of Faith, by Barnabas Piper
An honest and helpful book to talk about working through doubt and arriving at faith.

On Being a Disciple

The Jesus I Wish I Knew in High School, edited by Cameron Cole & Charlotte Getz
This devotional is written for teenagers and features 30 different youth pastors, parents, and other ministry leaders who reflect back on the question posed by the book’s title. Each chapter highlights the author’s high school experience and shows how the gospel applies to that particular teenage experience. This is an excellent book to keep stocked, especially as a give-away to visitors to your ministry.

Gentle and Lowly, by Dane Ortlund
This truly is a modern-day classic that leads us to the heart of Christ. This book will be especially good for unchurched students and for church kids who have the perception that God is an old grandpa looking to end all our fun.

Transformed by Truth, by Katherine Forester
Written by a teenager, this book will help students fall in love with God’s word and develop a habit of Bible reading.

Just Do Something, by Kevin DeYoung
Students can be paralyzed by decision-making, afraid they’ll ruin their lives if they make the wrong decision. “How do I know God’s will” is a common question. This book help give counsel without overcomplicating it.

Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis
One of the most important Christian books of the last century… for a reason.

The Imperfect Disciple, by Jared Wilson
A helpful look at what it means to be a disciple: not a perfect follower of Christ, but simply follow him. Even if you follow him imperfectly.

The Screwtape Letters, by CS Lewis
Students will find this collection of “letters” between a senior devil and a junior devil a compelling and insightful glimpse into the ways temptation captures us in its snares.

The Reason for God, by Tim Keller
Another modern-day classic that helps us make sense of Christianity.


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