YPT Podcast Episode 30: Youth Ministry in the UK (Nic Bianchi & Anna Lane)

What does youth ministry look like in the UK? Mike talks with some friends from England to hear about their ministry context and what their regular ministry looks like. 

  • Can you remind our non-UK listeners about grades and graduation for teenagers, and how does this affect the way you structure your ministries? 

  • The UK context is the direction things in America are heading. With that in mind, what are nonChristian youth like in the UK, and what are some ways to reach them with the gospel? 

  • What would Mike change about his book A Biblical Theology of Youth Ministry, and how has his view on youth work changed now that he has two teenagers of his own? 

Nic Bianchi is children and youth worker at Cheam Baptist Church

Anna Lane is children and youth worker at Grace Church, Worcester park

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