The Omnipotence of God is Good News for Teenagers
The omnipotence of God anchors students during hardship and suffering, because their Father in Heaven remains in control and is filled with steadfast love for them.
YPT Podcast ep.71: Teaching Students the Doctrine of God (Dr. Malcom Yarnell)
This conversation highlights some of the core aspects of the doctrine of God and why it's so important to talk about with teenagers.
The Holiness of God is Good News for Teenagers
How do we teach the holiness of God to teenagers, and what difference does that make for their faith development?
What God are We Presenting to Students?
Marvel’s latest series on Disney+ is Moon Knight, which can launch multiple disciple-making conversations with students. One of the biggest questions, however, is for us as youth workers: What kind of God am I presenting to students?
3 Truths to Emphasize When Teaching the Trinity
As faithful discipleship-oriented youth leaders, we should learn how to communicate this crucial attribute of our God. Here are several key truths about who God is and how He works.