Friday Review (4/8/22)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

The Importance of Ministry Friends by Connor Coskery (Rooted)

There is a great temptation in ministry for “the gospel” to become white-noise — everywhere, but nowhere. And when this happens I am thankful to have ministry friends who are quick to remind me afresh of the glory and majesty of the good news of Jesus. I need it as much as my students do.

Biblical/Theological Studies

Orgies, Cocaine and the Dangers of Boring Sins by Russell Moore (Christianity Today)

In many cases, sin does express itself in shocking debauchery—but most often it expresses itself in more invisible or easily justifiable ways of “walking in the flesh.”

Cultural Reflection & Contextualization

Why ‘Consent’ Isn’t Enough for a Sexual Ethic by Trevin Wax (The Gospel Coalition)

As believers, we realize these articles still seem far from the Christian ethic that reserves sex for the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman. But we can learn something from these complaints about the inadequacy of “consent” and from the world’s bemoaning of pornography’s effects.

Good News for Teens: Will Smith, The Oscars, and “The Slap Heard ‘Round the World” by Rebecca Lankford (Rooted)

Rock’s dehumanizing joke, Smith’s inappropriate display of anger, and the conflict that ensued are as real as it gets when it comes to seeing the outworking of human sin in our everyday life… or when we see it front and center on the biggest night in Hollywood.

Pastoral Ministry

The Rise of the ‘Umms’ by Mike Moore (Christianity Today)

People end up far from church for lots of reasons, as the nones and dones demonstrate—but the umms represent yet another distinct group worth talking about. I would argue that many of those who have distanced themselves from church attendance, both in-person and online, might be described as umms.

Why Transactional Leadership Hurts the Church by Gregg R. Allison (The Gospel Coalition)

Many business leaders see this mindset as a style of leadership—transactional leadership—and believe certain business roles benefit from the style. But whatever the pros and cons of this style in business, we believe a transactional leadership culture is fundamentally wrong among leaders in the church.

Don’t Make the Church Leadership Crisis Worse by Mike Cosper (Christianity Today)

But we too often overlook the undercurrent of disenchantment. We keep bad leaders around because in response to our default setting of doubt, we’ve created conditions in which character isn’t a qualification for the job. We want someone who can make us feel something.

The 'Young, Restless, Reformed' Movement Wasn't Enough, But It Wasn't a Mistake by Samuel D. James (Insights)

Yes, these flaws and more set the stage for the frustration we feel now. What I take away from this, however, is that the YRR movement was never enough, but it also wasn’t a mistake.

Family & Parents

Weak for Those We Love by Chris Martin (Terms of Service)

Parenting, as any parents know, provides ample opportunity for weakness and failure. I have felt it even in these last, first two years. But what I have learned is that while the sin revealed in our parenting must be identified and extricated, our weakness doesn’t have to be dismissed; in fact, it shouldn’t be dismissed.

The Mustard Seed Mum: Pressured to be Perfect? by Ruth Clemence (Ruth Clemence)

Do we create an image in our mind of what a perfect mum or parent should look like? Do we raise the bar high and beat ourselves up when we fail to measure up? I know I do.

From YPT this week

Youth Ministry and Learning Disabilities by Bryan Barrineau

Why and how do youth workers accommodate students with learning disabilities in their youth ministries? Here’s a biblical foundation and best practices for ministering to students who struggle. 

How You Can Support YPT’s Mission and Future by Mike McGarry

What is Youth Pastor Theologian all about and how can you get involved to support our efforts to bring youth ministry and theology together? 


Resting in What Jesus Has Done


Youth Ministry and Learning Disabilities