Friday Review (4/7/23)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

“It Is Finished”: Teaching Jesus’ Words of the Cross to Teenagers, by Luke Paiva (Rooted) 

The gospel does not demand that they be better at looking like a Christian. The gospel does not come with the performance standards of social media or elite arts and athletics. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a free gift of grace paid in full by him. May we use these words to help teenagers remember the truth he has declared – “It is finished!”

Biblical & Theological Studies

Why Did Jesus Institute the Lord’s Supper on the Passover?, by Keith Mathison (Ligonier)

Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper on this night to signify that this new exodus was about to begin. This act indicated that the time of redemption had come.

Maundy Thursday Thoughts, by Crystal Kyrgiss (Breathe)

During this Holy Week, when the cross proclaims his immeasurable love and the empty tomb proclaims his infinite power, that foot-washing thing that Jesus did proclaims his wholly servant-minded and humble attitude. We would do well to remember it and do likewise.

Cultural Reflection & Contextualization

Americans Believe in Easter Resurrection But Aren’t Sure Why It Matters, by Aaron Earls (Lifeway Research)

Despite accepting the biblical accounts of Jesus’ resurrection, many Americans have conflicting thoughts about the Bible and seem to see little connection between Jesus rising again and their daily lives.

Banksy and Beauty from Ashes, by Tim Challies

There is something remarkable about this, isn’t there? In the hands of a skilled artist, something broken can become beautiful, something valueless can become worth a fortune. And there is something remarkable about considering that this is what God does with us. We are a stained and torn canvas, a broken and battered block of marble, a shattered pile of rubble. Yet we are the medium upon which God chooses to display his glory.

Pastoral Ministry

How to Build a Theological Library on a Budget, by Joe Carter (The Gospel Coalition)

Building an inexpensive theological library takes time and effort, but it’s a resource worth creating. By using these tips and resources, you can build a comprehensive theological library that will serve you well in your ministry and personal study.

Do Altar Calls Add To The Gospel?, by Matthew M. Kennedy (Christian Research Institute)

While, no doubt, Jesus has rescued many sinners who have come forward or raised their hands, the altar call imposes a false necessity and a potentially self-deceiving act between the sinner and his or her only hope, which is faith in Jesus Christ alone.

The Martyr Complex, by T. M. Suffield (Nuakh)

I don’t think the only problem is that the leaders won’t ask them to do things, they don’t ask because it’s easier to ask the same old people. Which isn’t good, but why do those same old people keep saying, “yes!” with such (fake) enthusiasm? I think it’s because they’re martyrs.

Family & Parents

Help Your Teenager Lament, by Christina Fox (Rooted)

Painful emotions are common to all who live in a fallen world and the Psalms reflect that. God invites us to engage with him in our emotions, to bring all our feels to him in lament. When our teens feel the weight of their emotions, we can show them the God who cares about all their tears by teaching them the way of lament. 

Dads, Daughters, and a Willingness to Learn and Grow, by Gordon Bals (Rooted)

There is nothing in this world we want to get right as much as being a parent, and there is nothing we will get wrong more often. You need help. There is only one way to grow into tender, compassionate, and redemptively strong involvement with your daughter, and that is by leaning into a Dad who loves you the same way.

From YPT this week

What Does the Apostles’ Creed Mean by “He Descended to the Dead?”, by Nick Hartman

What does it mean to confess along with the Apostles’ Creed that Jesus descended to the dead? This important (and confusing) question explains what happened on Holy Saturday, preparing Christians to celebrate Christ’s resurrection on Easter. 

YPT Podcast Episode 32: Faithful Youth Ministry in Ireland with Philomena Fitzpatrick

There’s so much for international youth workers to learn from one another. We share more in common than what’s different. Relational evangelism and discipleship are foundational for effective student ministry, regardless of our latitude and longitude. 

A New Chapter for YPT, by Mike McGarry

A special announcement about a new chapter in YPT’s ministry to youth ministers.


YPT Podcast Episode 33: Discipleship as Alignment (Jason Engle)


A New Chapter for YPT