Friday Review (4/21/23)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

Showing Hospitality to the Teenager Identifying as LGBTQ, by Mark Culton (Rooted) 

I’m certain our youth ministry is not the only one working through what it means to care for students who are considering their sexuality and gender. It was once culturally taboo to identify as gay or transgender. Today, it is just the opposite—our culture not only accepts, but encourages, these ideas. How youth ministers care for teenagers wrestling with gender or sexuality is critical.

Youth Ministry: Nurturing Adolescent Belief and Behavior, by Walt Mueller (CPYU) 

As I look around at today’s youth culture, there are numerous aspects of adolescent life where our youth ministries must begin challenging and equipping kids to see how their beliefs speak to their behaviors. All of these are arenas where kids are able to speak and live their Gospel convictions to their peers. Here are just five of those areas that our kids must realize provide a compelling opportunity for missional living in today’s world.

Biblical & Theological Studies

Polity Matters, by Kyle E. Sims (Gentle Reformation)

Are the rules of the church arbitrary? Do we follow the rules as a part of our commitment to Jesus or are they just something we get from the world? This is a significant question because many think that the church’s rules are more advisory than regulatory. They miss the connection to the scriptures and the work of the church.  Here are some reasons why the rules are important and to be followed.

What Is Distinct about the Theology of Jude?, by Matthew S. Harmon (Crossway)

Although we are now almost 2,000 years removed from when Jude wrote this letter, the contemporary church faces many similar challenges. False teachers openly seek to lead God’s people astray. Believers are tempted to abandon the faith once and for all and embrace contemporary sensibilities. Into these confusing times Jude speaks with a clarion call to remain faithful to the gospel and to persevere in the faith, empowered by the God who preserves his people to the end.

Cultural Reflection & Contextualization

Truthful Witness and the Transgender Debate, by Trevin Wax (The Gospel Coalition)

If we’re to truly make space for a conversation on these matters, the starting place must be our convictions about reality. All our choices must flow from those convictions. Strong convictions are the prerequisite for true conversations.

MrBeast: The Greatest Showman, by Chris Martin (Terms of Service)

A sort of “moral” conversation has begun about MrBeast and the kind of content he’s creating. I think it’s a good conversation to have. I’ve waited a number of weeks to write about this, and I think I am ready to give my two cents. But, in step with how I often do things here, I think it’s important that we look at a bit of the history of the social internet before we just hop into the latest MrBeast discourse. 

Pastoral Ministry

6 Dangerous Ministry Marriage Myths, by Mark Dance (Lifeway)

Your ministry will never be stronger than your marriage, so ministry couples should avoid buying into these dangerous marriage myths.

How to Know If It’s Time to Leave Pastoral Ministry, by Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra (The Gospel Coalition)

In hard seasons—or even in healthy seasons—how does a pastor know if he’s supposed to persevere or if it’s time to be done? The Gospel Coalition asked three former pastors—all of whom now teach or counsel pastors—for their best advice.

On AI and Preaching (Preachers Talk, Ep. 54), (9Marks)

In this episode of Preachers Talk, Jeremy, Dave, and Ed talk about preaching in an age of artificial intelligence.

Family & Parents

How to Work Well When Your Children Are Sick, by Fernie Cosgrove (The Gospel Coalition)

Whether you work from home or in the office, managing work expectations and a sick child isn’t easy. Our ideal schedule is interrupted, meetings have to be rescheduled, nights are long, children are needy, and the to-dos pile up a mile high.

From YPT this week

Intentional Presence at Graduation and in the Summer, by Alex Tufano

During graduation season and the summer when relational ministry is common, how can youth workers show up on purpose? 

YPT Podcast Episode 34: Storytelling the Bible with Kendal Conner

What is Storytelling the Bible and how can it provide a method for youth workers to invite students to embrace the rich truth and message of Scripture?


YPT Podcast Episode 35: Helping Parents Prepare for the Teen Years (Kristen Hatton)


Intentional Presence at Graduation and in the Summer