Friday Review (3/25/22)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry and the Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self by Walt Mueller (9Marks)

In this article, I want to ask a few questions: “Have our youth ministries been complicit in expressive individualism’s cancerous spread within the body of Christ? If so, how has the rise and triumph of the modern self subtly triumphed over and reshaped both the content of our teaching and our ministry forms and practices?

Encouraging Christian Teenagers to Fast by Andy Hood (Rooted)

We are saved not by our own good works, but by trusting in the work of Christ in his life, death and resurrection. Still, God has given us the good gift of food, and Jesus has commended the practice of fasting. So let’s encourage the young people we serve to fast, praying that God might use it for their growth.

Biblical/Theological Studies

When “All Things” Don’t Feel So Good by Tim Challies (Challies)

“All things for good” is a promise God’s people must take by faith and cling to with tenacity in times of great difficulty. We need to believe that God has the ability to work all things for good and to trust that he actually is working all things for good. 

The Dead-Sea-Scroll Discovery—75 Years Later by John Currid (The Gospel Coalition)

This year marks 75 years since the discovery of the first scrolls near the Dead Sea. Noted archaeologist W. F. Albright once called it the “greatest archaeological find of modern times.” His statement still holds true today, for at least three reasons.

Cultural Reflection/Contextualization

Resisting the Politics of Fear by Brad Littlejohn (The Gospel Coalition)

Christians should not ignore politics—God has established the government for their good and for the good of their community—but the curious calm that characterizes our political engagement should constantly puzzle and confound our unbelieving neighbors.

Every Technology Has Its Own Agenda by Chris Martin (Terms of Service)

The chief purpose of a technology matters, however, and if we hope to be responsible participants in a technological world, we ought to know the chief purposes of any technologies to which we intimately wed ourselves.

Pastoral Ministry

Consider the Small Churches by Matt LaMaster (For the Church)

But I do know this: in my small church, my people can see all my mistakes, all my errors, all my faults, all my excesses, all my fears, all my irritations... I hope in the midst of all this they get a glimpse of humility.

Are You Principled or Just a Contentious Jerk? by Paul Martin (9Marks)

There’s a way to say the right thing in the wrong way—to be principled and quarrelsome. Just as there’s a way to say the wrong thing in the right way. I am calling on you to say the right things in the right way. To set your sights on honest unity instead of bludgeoned conformity.

Worship Pastors, Stop Killing Your People by Brett Perkins (Knowing Jesus Ministries)

For too long, content has been sacrificed at the altar of creativity. Artistic expression has trumped the Gospel and muddied the clear waters of truth... Like spiritual poison, this sacrifice of style over substance is killing our people.


How Should I Talk to My Teenager About Vaping? by Patrick Weikle (ERLC)

If your teenager feels like today’s temptation to vape and its consequences seem small, help them see that tomorrow’s temptations are much larger and come with significant consequences... Instead of showing them how their desire is worthless, offer them a desire for something more worthy. 

From YPT this week

Teaching Students About the Atonement by Joseph Bradley

Teaching students about the Day of Atonement is a meaningful way to help them understand the meaning of the cross and the message of the gospel. 

Say it Simple by Mike McGarry

Youth pastor theologians strive to make complicated things become simple, rather than the other way around. 


Why Youth Ministries Avoid Theology


Say it Simple