Friday Review (3/14/25)
Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)
Youth Ministry
Valuing Women in Youth Ministry, by Danny Kwon (Rooted)
I recognize that there is a wide array of theological and ecclesiological views of a woman’s role in ministry in the church. They span a spectrum of biblical views and ministry practices, and I want to be respectful of all of our readers. I think we can all agree, however, that as God’s image-bearers, women have gifts to serve God and contribute to his kingdom.
Why Fifth Grade Matters More Than You Think, by Ronald Long (Download Youth Ministry)
Fifth graders matter—not just when they become sixth graders, but right now. If we wait to connect with them until they “belong,” we’re missing a huge opportunity. But if we intentionally engage them before they arrive, we set them up for a smoother transition and a greater chance of long-term connection.
Biblical & Theological Studies
The Maturation of New Calvinism, by Aaron M. Renn
New Calvinism has shifted from an “All-Star team” model designed to exert influence over the broader evangelical world to a post-superstar model that primarily serves its own community. This represents the maturity of the movement, perhaps putting it on a sustainable footing for the future.
Getting Organized For the Glory of God, by Justin Huffman
When the Bible clearly lays out a responsibility — whether financial giving, or evangelism, or discipleship — there is the implied responsibility to be as purposeful and organized as necessary to fulfill that biblical command.
Cultural Reflection & Contextualization
Anora and Andrew Tate, by Samuel D. James (Digital Liturgies)
[T]he biggest losers of this confusion will not be podcasters or Hollywood producers, but the young men and young women who consume the content, dazzled by the confidence they see, and unprepared for the consequences of being fooled.
Pastoral Ministry
Do Your Sunday Songs Pass the Test?, by Brandon Ryan (The Gospel Coalition)
How does a pastor decide which songs to introduce? Why one song and not another? Here are a gauntlet of questions I ask when considering a new song for my church. If we’re going to sing a song on Sunday, it’s got to pass all the way through.
How Your Church Members Could Make Your Sermons Better—Before You Preach Them, by Sean Demars (9Marks)
So, don’t treat your sermon like your baby—something to be protected and coddled at all costs. Rather, see your sermon for what it really is: an instrument given to you by God to build up his church.
COVID-19: What Did We Gain and Lose by Livestreaming?, by Chris Walker (byFaith)
What began as a temporary necessity has become an expected staple of the church’s ministry. As people began returning to worship, committees and the session debated whether livestreaming should continue. If so, for how long, and for what purpose?
Family & Parents
Help! My Kids Aren’t on Board With Ministry, by Barnabas Piper (Lifeway Research)
It tears us apart when parenting well feels like it opposes pastoring well. So, what are we to do when our kids are opposed to our ministry?
Parenting a Special Needs Child, by Susan Rockwell (The Gospel Coalition Australia)
This journey as a mother of children with special needs can, at times, exhaust me, make me question my decisions and question my ability to be the best parent. Yet, with the strength of our heavenly Father, I can be the best parent for them. These children, who have the fingerprints of God all over them, are loved so much by me, and even more by their heavenly Father, so I can rest, knowing that my children are held safely in his hands.
From YPT this week
YPT Podcast ep.95: Speaking to Teenagers with Duffy Robbins
Duffy Robbins shares insights on effective preaching and teaching in youth ministry, including a discussion about how long to teach for.
What Does the Bible Teach About Demons and Spiritual Warfare? by Mike McGarry
What does the Bible teach about demons, possession, and spiritual warfare? There are some clear answers, others that are fuzzy, and some helpful principles to keep in mind as you teach students about this question.