Friday Review (3/10/23)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

Why I Love Serving in Youth Ministry as a Young Adult, by Kathryn Eckhardt (The Gospel Coalition)

If you show up at my house on a Monday night, you’ll find three high school girls around my dining room table, chatting about faith and college applications. Mentoring high school students is one of the many reasons I love serving in youth ministry as a young adult. But it’s a role I came to hesitantly.

Where Should Teens Look for Answers?, by Greg Stier

No other book, friend, expert, or online resource comes even close to the reliability of Scripture. We must teach our teenagers to look to the Bible for answers to the biggest questions in life. Here are three reasons why.

Biblical & Theological Studies

7 Ways to Mishandle a Bible Story, by Peter Mead (Biblical Preaching)

The Bible is full of stories.  And we preachers are full of ways to mishandle them.  God has richly blessed us with the stories in the Bible.  Each one reveals God’s heart and character. Each story is designed to point our hearts to Him and to stir our faith in His word and character. So, how can we go wrong?

The Bible’s Marriage Metaphor Doesn’t Belong In the Bedroom, by Amy Peeler (Christianity Today)

It is this revelation of God in Jesus Christ that should control our interpretation of the marriage metaphor in Ephesians 5. Jesus is the key to our discernment. If the Father of Jesus Christ is revealed preeminently in the Incarnation, which does not happen through sex; and the Son who is male from the body of a female also never engaged in sex; and if that God is metaphorically the husband of the church, then the creaturely category of male sexual activity cannot be projected onto our God.

Cultural Reflection & Contextualization

AI is Here: The Precocious Adolescence of Artificial Intelligence, by Clint Archer (The Cripplegate)

AI is here. We knew it was coming, but it feels too soon. Like when your little boy’s voice breaks and you suddenly realize he needs deodorant and a shave.

Pastoral Ministry

Pastoring in a Pandemic: Of Grey Hair and Glory, by Mark Jones (Reformation21)

Moving forward, even today, where the wounds have not fully healed, will only be possible if we can all try to admit we may have made mistakes, acted with self-righteousness at times, and failed to adequately appreciate that certain contexts were fraught with problems we cannot fully understand or appreciate. Love believes all things, and I’d like to believe that while my brothers who defied were acting in love, the same was also true of us who did not defy but did so out of love as well.

Dear Pastor . . . No, You Are Not a Failure, by David Murray (Crossway)

Although our failures can be an extremely painful, we can learn much from them, especially if we first have any guilt removed by the cross. Having quietened our accusing consciences, we can look at our failures more closely with a view to learning from them. Students of failure are changed into the likeness of their perfect teacher, Jesus Christ.

4 Features of Christ-Centered Preaching, by Walt Nilsson (The Gospel Coalition)

Every church planter and gospel-believing preacher wants Jesus to be front and center each time he takes the pulpit. But intent doesn’t guarantee success. Trust me—I’ve inadvertently not preached Christ more times than I’d like to admit. Here are four elements that will help preachers to bring God’s Word to God’s people in gospel power each week.

Family & Parents

24 Lessons from 24 Years of Marriage, by Jen Oshman

I can say without hesitation we have a really good thing going and it’s because of the mercy and lavish kindness of our God. He’s given us mentors and forgiveness and ministry and senses of humor. I’m no marriage expert, but I have 24 years of experience to share with you. Here’s 24 lessons from 24 years.

Is It Time for a Phone? Practical Guidance for Parents of New Smartphone Users, (Rooted)

Ask any parent of a preteen and they will tell you: the prospect of giving their child a smartphone gives them insomnia and heartburn. While it is a difficult and significant decision, it is also an opportunity to disciple your child toward relationship with Jesus as Lord over every part of life.

From YPT this week

A Statement on Women in Youth Ministry by Mike McGarry

Why does YPT take a welcoming posture towards women in youth ministry and clarifying our boundaries for partnership and collaboration.


The Vine Project’s Four E’s of Spiritual Growth


A Statement on Women in Youth Ministry