Friday Review (2/23/24)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

What Teenagers Need in a Youth Pastor Might Surprise You, by Steve Eatmon (Rooted)

Very often, trying to be cool can cause us to miss out on what teenagers really need: the news that Jesus came into our world and died to save them from sin so they can experience life with him now and forever. Teenagers can detect a counterfeit from a mile away. They want more than someone who makes funny videos and uses the most recent vocabulary. They are looking for someone who authentically lives out faith in Jesus, while taking the time to get to know them and to love them.

Biblical & Theological Studies

She Will Be Saved Through Childbearing, by Mitch Chase (Biblical Theology)

In a culture that says, “Look inside yourself,” look to Christ instead. In a culture that says, “Do what makes you happy,” find your joy in the Lord and in a life of love, holiness, and self-control. Dear godly sisters: keep looking to Christ and walking in obedience.

Cultural Reflection & Contextualization

Bible Translation and AI, by Eddie Arthur (Kouyanet)

One thing that has not changed in that time, is the quest to use computers to make Bible translation quicker and more accurate. Even back in those early days, we had some impressive tools to help us work with languages that used non-standard scripts. Over time, we saw the development of revolutionary databases to handle language analysis, tools to help ensure that translation was consistent and all sorts of other good things.

The Pornography Pandemic, by Leslie Umstattd (For the Church)

Pornography is pervasive and as the Church, we must address it, discuss it, and speak truth to the addict and victims. How do we do this? No one article can answer this question, but I seek to suggest a starting point. There are three truths that must be a part of the conversation about pornography.

Why Discipleship Must Target Apathy, by Glenn Wishnew (The Gospel Coalition)

So as spiritual apathy invades the church, church leaders must ask whether our discipleship practices are inoculating people from the surrounding toxins of meaninglessness. That millions have stopped attending altogether suggests we have room to grow.

Pastoral Ministry

The Neurodivergent Believer, by Allyson Reid (Gospel-Centered Discipleship)

As believers, we acknowledge that God created each brain uniquely. The Apostle Paul describes this diversity within the body of Christ, emphasizing that each member has a distinct role (1 Cor. 12:12–27). Despite this diversity, being neurodivergent in a predominately neurotypical world can present unique challenges.

3 Things to Avoid When Ministering to Those Suffering from Mental Illness, by Tom Karel & David Murray (Crossway)

We make many mistakes in what we say to sufferers. Partly because of ignorance, discomfort, or fear, we end up saying nothing, or nothing helpful, or everything wrong. These are all pitfalls to avoid, so let’s look at them more closely and explore how to make our words healing bridges rather than damaging holes. Some of the biggest pitfalls to avoid are silence, platitudes, and mistakes.

One of the Most Important Ministry Skills That Nobody Talks About, by Michael J. Kruger (Canon Fodder)

We are always going to have meetings. They are critical to what we do in ministry. But, we can make them better. And making them better (contrary to popular perceptions) can be a spiritual move to advance the cause of the Kingdom.

Family & Parents

Raised in a Birdcage of Optimization, by Chris Martin (FYI with Chris Martin)

I once heard someone say that the key to building resilience in children is to let them do dangerous things carefully. And I think that applies to kids of any age, really. Whether it’s a four-year-old climbing a rock wall at the playground or a 14-year-old using the internet, I think it’s important that we not raise our children in “birdcages of optimization” as our friend Ted so clearly described it.

Talking with Kids about Gender Issues: Give Them Biblical Vocabulary, by Ellen Mary Dykas (Biblical Counseling Coalition)

Mom and Dad, your key priority is to love, know, and trust God and to understand how the gospel applies to our experience of gender. Christ came offering forgiveness for our sin, including rejecting His design of us as male and female. He came to draw near and heal broken hearts when gender dysphoria triggers shame, and kids feel, and are, outcast and alone. And He is near to you as you engage this vital discipleship pathway with your kids.

From YPT this week

YPT Podcast Episode 59: So Much More Than Sex with Scott Stein

Sex has become central to people’s identity, lifestyle, and even community. But what if sex points to something even greater? 

Youth Ministry as the Parent of a Teenager, by Bryan Barrineau

Youth Pastors who are also parents of teenagers have a unique perspective on what it means to partner with parents. Here’s one youth pastor’s reflection on that topic.


YPT Podcast Episode 60: Good Leadership in Youth Ministry (Beau Johnson)


Youth Ministry as the Parent of a Teenager