Friday Review (2/17/23)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

Preparing Our Teenagers to Encounter Different Viewpoints in College, by Ben Birdsong (Rooted)

To teach faithfulness to ideas without faithfulness to Jesus produces teenagers who will be abrasive about their faith and thus slam doors to ministry opportunities. Teaching respect and love without truth creates students who keep their beliefs to themselves and encourage others to define truth as they see fit.

2 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Tips for Teen Discipleship, by Amy Carnall (Fuller Youth Institute)

Here’s the thing: our traditional youth group format—energy- and excitement-fueled environment with quick, often slightly-chaotic transitions—does not typically help our teens learn this. In reality, it tends to do the opposite, especially for our students who are neurodivergent.

Why Small Groups Fail, by Doug Franklin (LeaderTreks)

Don’t do small groups if it’s just something you are going to put on your resume and don’t do it because the other guys in town are doing it. Do it because you believe that it’s the best tool you have to bring the truth of Jesus into the hearts of your students.

Biblical & Theological Studies

Why 2 Peter and Jude Matter to You Today, by Matthew S. Harmon (Crossway)

In the midst of a world that often seems out of control, knowing our ultimate destiny is a source of great comfort and motivation to press on in the face of serious challenges and opposition to the gospel. Jude and Peter both knew that in order for Christians to live faithfully as God’s people, they need to look both backward and forward—backward to what God has done throughout redemptive history, and forward to what God has promised to do in the future.

How Can We Trust the Bible When There Are So Many Contradictions?, by Ryan Vda (Taste and See)

3 Continents, 1500 years, 66 books, 40 plus authors – many people want to harp on about issues with the Bible, but perhaps it would be good to remember the utterly remarkable consistency of this book!

Cultural Reflection & Contextualization

Holiness is Transgressive, by Brett McCracken (The Gospel Coalition)

Let’s seek out, create, consume, and celebrate works like that: works that spur souls toward holiness; inflame hearts for the good, true, and beautiful; and rekindle interest in the sweeping thrill of sanctification.

My Answer to a Pressing Question, by Chris Martin (Terms of Service)

Social media is the chief discipler of our age, regardless of generation, but especially among young people.

I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle, by Jamie Reed (The Free Press)

I left the clinic in November of last year because I could no longer participate in what was happening there. By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to “do no harm.” Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care.

Pastoral Ministry

5 Things Missionary Kids Want You to Know, by Rebecca VanDoodewaard (The Gospel Coalition)

Church, let’s recognize and utilize these hard-won gifts. And let’s seek to know MKs, so that we might love them well.

Family & Parents

Is Sheltering Your Kids a Bad Thing? What the Bible Says You Need to Protect Your Children, by Clarissa Moll (Rooted)

While there’s nothing wrong with supporting our children as they begin to navigate the world with more independence, we do well to look honestly at what we consider “sheltering” them in our care. Does our shelter actually look more like control? Are our attempts to help actually more heavy-handed orchestration? What does biblical sheltering actually look like?

From YPT this week

Theology for Youth Ministry in a Suffering Cuba by Yoan Pérez de Ordaz

A generation of Cubans is searching for hope and security that cannot be found through their government or any other. What they need is not an escape, but a theological foundation from which they can rebuild. 

Obituary for the Youth Pastor by Cody Busby

A tongue-in-cheek reflection by a senior pastor on the shortage of youth pastors and why they remain so important to the church. 

YPT Podcast Episode 27: Serving Youth with Special Needs with Bryan Barrineau

What should youth workers know about disabilities and special education, and how can they be better equipped to minister to these young men and women?


YPT Podcast Episode 28: Discipleship as Catechesis (Dustin Messer)


Obituary for the Youth Pastor