Friday Review (1/31/25)
Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry is Pastoral Ministry, by Mike McGarry (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Blog)
The mission of youth ministry is to make adult disciples whose faith took root during their teen years. It’s time to lay aside the notion that youth ministry is a mere stepping stone to a higher call. It is fundamental pastoral work.
How to Make Friends in College (or Anywhere), by Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra (The Gospel Coalition)
As I’ve talked with youth leaders and campus pastors, some tell me that Gen Z struggles so much with social interactions that older generations almost need to reverse engineer their friendships, figure out what makes them work, and teach that to young people.
Serving Teenagers from Immigrant Families, by Danny Kwon (Rooted)
While today more parents are English-speakers, the bicultural nature of many immigrant families means that youth workers will need understanding to serve teenagers in immigrant families, as well as their parents or caretakers. These reflections will help us better serve our immigrant families, whether you have just a few in attendance or serve in an immigrant church.
Biblical & Theological Studies
Why Should I Study Theology?, by Daniel Nealon (Core Christianity)
Theology isn’t just a fancy word for academic study. At its core, theology is about understanding who God is, what He’s done, and how that shapes our lives. It’s not just for pastors or scholars—it’s for anyone who wants to follow Jesus.
Prayerless Theologians, by Doug Eaton (Fight of Faith)
As you watch theological interactions online, and even in some churches, have you ever wondered how many strong assertions come from prayerless theologians?
Cultural Reflection & Contextualization
Love Thy Neighbor: Protecting Vulnerable Women from Commercial Surrogacy, by Jeremy Bell (Center for Faith & Culture)
Believers desire for all people to flourish in life without being exploited due to societal vulnerabilities. Jesus teaches his followers that women are not to be used by others, but have a place and full rights in his kingdom.
Your Phone Habits Aren’t Just About You, by Trevin Wax (The Gospel Coalition)
What seems like an individual choice—taking selfies or curating an image—changes the experience for everyone else. We think our phone habits are personal, but when millions of people prioritize their screens over the world around them, the consequences ripple outward.
Pastoral Ministry
New Christians Should Not Be Given a Microphone, by Annie Eisner (Relevant)
It’s not just about protecting the influencers though. It’s about protecting the audience. When someone with a huge platform shares half-baked theological takes, they’re not just putting themselves at risk—they’re leading others astray. And in the age of deconstruction and church hurt, the last thing we need is more confusion about what Christianity actually teaches.
Family & Parents
Theology Should Be the Primary Language of Your Kids, by Hunter Williams (New Growth Press)
Doing this might sound daunting, even impossible, but change can come through one simple shift: stop seeing theology as just one subject among many and start viewing it as the lens through which all subjects are understood. This shift can have world-altering ramifications in how you respond to your children’s questions, react to bad behavior, make decisions, and engage with ideas.
Teaching Our Kids to Build a Bigger Table, by Bob Hartman (Rooted)
We start by teaching kids that hospitality really does lie at the heart of Kingdom life – from the start of Jesus’ ministry to the end. Like that table reaching across the horizon, Jesus’ hospitality extends into the forever of that Great Banquet (Matt. 22:1-14). We need to introduce them to all those gospel tables.
Parenting Is Still Hard. Jesus Is Still King., by Daniel Seabaugh
Parenting blunders should lead God’s people to their knees. We should cry out to him for mercy. If prayer is, at least in part, about lifting our hearts and minds to God, then we should share with him honestly and openly. If we’re freaked out, we should tell him.
From YPT this week
YPT Podcast ep.89: The Significance of Eating Together with Seth Stewart
How does “theology of meals and eating together” shape Christian fellowship and ministry to youth?
Is the Bible Sufficient for Youth Ministry? by Mike McGarry
Do we truly believe the Bible is sufficient for ministry to youth, or, deep down, do we suspect they need something more?