Friday Review (1/24/25)
Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)
Youth Ministry
Contextualizing the Gospel for Youth Ministry, by Isaiah Marshall (Rooted)
As ministers, God calls us to join in his work in the lives of students. This bring us to two vital considerations: First, we must ask ourselves how we can present the gospel in ways that tangibly relate to students lives and to the idols they worship. Second, we need to consider how to make the gospel inviting to our students without straying from its core message.
What Really Matters in Toddler Groups?, from Growing Young Disciples
If toddler groups are truly a form of frontline evangelism, they must rise above being just another activity. In 2025, toddler groups need to go beyond offering a brief gospel thought and should avoid unintentionally attracting families under false pretences with a sudden “ta-da, Jesus!” moment. In a world where people are longing for authenticity and integrity, these groups have a unique opportunity to share the gospel in ways that are genuine, transparent, and deeply relational.
Biblical & Theological Studies
How Should Protestants Talk to Their Roman Catholic Friends about Jubilee?, by Klay Kannard (Gospel-Centered Discipleship)
While Jubilee may not dominate conversations elsewhere, with over 1.3 billion Catholics worldwide and a universal longing for hope, Protestants should be prepared to engage thoughtfully in conversations with our Catholic friends and family about this event.
How Greek Myth, Tragedy, And Philosophy Point to Christian Truth, by Louis A. Markos (Christian Research Institute)
Apologists today who wish to reach a postmodern generation who hunger for stories more than facts, metanarratives more than scientific systems, personal meaning more than abstract logic would do well to study the work of Homer, Hesiod, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Plato, and Aristotle. In this essay, I will consider how Greek myth, tragedy, and philosophy contain
Cultural Reflection & Contextualization
Andrew Tate or Panda Express: Which Way Young Man?, by Aaron Renn
The Rufo Panda Express furor illuminates a huge range of complex and interrelated issues that are often overlooked in the simplistic debates over matters like whether to work at Panda Express. It even sheds some light on the appeal of Andrew Tate.
The Sins of TikTok Are Not Unique to TikTok, by Chris Martin (Mere Orthodoxy)
Frankly, in my view, the more urgent threat of TikTok is as a sort of cultural Trojan horse of the Chinese government. The cultural degradation and mental health impacts of TikTok are well-established, and the Chinese version of the app is notably less harmful, suggesting China has intentionally given Americans a more addictive version of the platform.
The Roots of Roe Still Grow, by Scott Klusendorf (Desiring God)
Instead of hyping pro-life advocates with a false sense of victory, we need to get to work arming them with persuasive arguments that can compete in the marketplace of ideas. That must happen no matter who occupies the White House.
Pastoral Ministry
Against Executive Pastors, by Aaron Stead (Nuakh)
Now, in some ways, it may be said that this is all an argument over semantics. But I think it is important for two reasons. First, is to guard what pastors do and the expectations of pastors. Second, is to guard the pastorate from those who should not be pastors.
25 Things Pastors Should Start Delegating in 2025, by Brandi Kirkland (Ministry Architects)
I’ll say it again: Delegation is an act of faith. It’s trusting that God has placed people around you with gifts and skills to share the load. Start small by identifying a couple of tasks from this list to delegate. Over time, as your team grows in confidence and capacity, you’ll find yourself freed to focus on the parts of ministry that only you can do.
Family & Parents
God’s Goodness When Parenting is Hard, by Emily Menendez (Rooted)
So, as a fellow parent who is weary, I pray that God will give you and me the grace to depend on him more deeply today. May that dependence help us recognize his great goodness towards us and our children. May he restore your hope and energy as he sends you into the world, reminding you that his Spirit lives in you and is guiding you through every detail of your day and every interaction with your family.
From YPT this week
YPT Podcast ep.88: The Best Teaching Advice I’ve Received with Kyle Hoffsmith
What’s the best teaching/preaching advice we’ve received in ministry, and how’s that shaped the way we deliver God’s Word to students?
Applying Biblical Inerrancy to Youth Ministry by Will Standridge
What is so significant about biblical inerrancy and why does it matter? Moreover, how can youth workers communicate its importance to students?