Friday Review (12/1/22)

Each week we compile a list of helpful articles from other sites, in a variety of categories, for youth workers to read, reflect on, and/or discuss with parents and volunteers. If you have any articles you’d like to suggest, we’d love for you to share those in the Youth Pastor Theologian Facebook group. That’s a great way to bring them to our attention and to discuss them with like-minded youth workers! (Inclusion in this list does not imply complete agreement with the publishing source, but we have found these articles to be beneficial.)

Youth Ministry

New Research: How Teens Feel About Social Media in 2022, Chris Martin (Terms of Service) 

Teenagers lead the way on social media trends and play a significant role in determining which platforms survive or fizzle out. So, what do teens think about their relationship with social media? Let’s look at a few of the most notable revelations...

Youth Pastors, Let’s Not Overlook Sabbath Rest by Brian Ryu (Rooted)

So youth pastors, let us not overlook Sabbath rest. May we hear and heed Jesus’ call to us: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28).  May we rest in the Lord as we enjoy the Lord of the Sabbath.

Biblical & Theological Studies

How to Approach Reading the Bible: 66 Books, One Focus, by Nick Judd (Knowing Jesus)

 If God has spoken, and He has, and if His Word was recorded and preserved for us, and it was, then we have an obligation to know, understand, and apply that revelation. Understanding the Bible’s overarching focus of God’s creation and restoration of man will help you do just that.

How to Be a Nonanxious Presence in a Politically Anxious World by Keith Simon (The Gospel Coalition)

Whatever Daniel had, I desperately want—and our politically stressed-out society needs. Here are four insights from Daniel’s nonanxious presence that can help.

Cultural Reflection & Contextualization

Video Discipleship In a Digital Age, by Stephen McAlpine

The key difference between “the good life” on offer by Secularism Past’s video discipleship program, and Secularism Present’s digital upgrade, is that you don’t have to search this one out, it comes searching for you. So this creates a more complex challenge. It rewards passivity.

The Holy Spirit is a Political Liability, by Samuel D. James (Digital Liturgies)

This is not just piety. It’s a reality that must go down deep in our methods, our speech, our attitudes. We don’t have the option of not being cross-shaped. And when we try to pretend like we do, the dissonance will manifest itself in spiritually sick ways.

Pastoral Ministry

Preacher, What’s on Your Kids Menu?, by John Joseph (9Marks)

We want our kids to know that the church is for them, Jesus is for them, and eternal life is for them, so let’s speak to them in our sermons. Consider adding these items to your kids menu, and in time, you’ll find a growing appetite among the kids.

4 Ways to Help Save Your Pastor from Burnout, by Peter Orr (Crossway)

There are a number of causes for pastoral burnout. The factors at play are deeper, broader, and more complex than just how we as congregation members relate to our pastors. Nevertheless, I do think having a congregation that is intentionally supportive of their pastor can help alleviate some of the main causes of pastoral burnout.

Family & Parents

Your Spouse Is God’s Creation, by Paul Tripp (Desiring God)

A healthy, flourishing marriage requires this essential spiritual discipline: worshiping God as Creator and celebrating his choices. Scripture repeatedly calls us to worship God as we stand in awe of his created world, but how often do we remember to celebrate his creative decisions in our spouse?

25 Tiny Ways to Welcome Kids in Church, Megan Hill (The Gospel Coalition)

Whatever the size or resources of your church, it can be a place where little kids know they are welcome. Just like adults, kids in the church flourish when they are known, loved, served, and engaged. And it often doesn’t take much.

From YPT this week

Faith Without Risk Isn’t Faith by Mike McGarry

Are we as youth pastors and as parents willing to see our teenagers walk in faith if it means God shows up through trials and suffering in their lives? 

YPT Podcast Episode 18: Christ Centered Exegesis with Seth Stewart

Most of us know the entire Bible finds its fulfillment in Christ, but how should that effect the way we study Scripture and teach students? In this episode, we talk about Christ centered exegesis and highlight some excellent resources for youth pastor theologians.


YPT Podcast Episode 19: Teaching the Incarnation and Christology at Christmas (Griffin Gulledge)


Faith Without Risk Isn’t Faith