Book Review: The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s classic work “The Cost of Discipleship” presents a profound exploration of counting the cost of following Jesus.  It is not merely a book; it is a rallying cry for a generation of believers seeking to lead their congregations with authenticity and courage. 

Though our context and times are different from when this book was written, we face a similar challenge to walk with the Lord today. “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die,” (pg.99) speaks to young and old today as a challenge to sacrifice all to love God and love others.

This classic work criticizes the “cheap grace” that has infiltrated the church. Bonhoeffer drives the believer towards “costly grace,” with commitment and sacrifice to God and his word in mind. He explains, “Discipleship means adherence to Christ, and, because Christ is the object of that adherence, it must take the form of discipleship.” (pg.59) Bonhoeffer would see this play out himself, with the willingness to lay down his life for following the Lord.

After presenting a compelling contrast between cheap grace and costly grace, the middle of the book provides an extensive look at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount as an example of what the cost of discipleship looks like. His reflections on Matthew 5-7 are spiritually engaging and practical, giving a foundation in everyday life about how to live with rigorous obedience and intimate relationship with the Lord. The section on the Beatitudes offers a strong call to sacrifice and taking up one’s cross to the glory of God.

"The Cost of Discipleship" is not merely a theological treatise; it is a prophetic call to action. It is a wakeup call for Christians to live for Jesus in a less comfortable and easy way.


One of the reasons why this book is a classic and still well-read today is the consistent life behind the writing of this work. Originally written in 1937, Bonhoeffer’s courage and integrity inspired pastors to lead their congregations with boldness and conviction, demonstrating through their own life what it means to live as true disciples of Christ.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor, writer, and influential member of the Confessing Church during the time of Nazi Germany. His writings and bold actions led to him counting the cost of following Jesus, giving up his own life in the Flossenburg Concentration Camp in Germany.

One of the other great strengths of this book is how accessible it is for the reader. There is an abundance of rich doctrine and practical theology here, but it written for any person to be able to comprehend. This mix of biblical exposition of the attributes of God invites us to worship God and to bring glory to His name.

Lastly, this work depends on the right authority for understanding who God is: the Bible.  From the beginning of the book to the end, you see a determination by the author to allow God’s Word to speak the truths on the topic of cost of discipleship.


Often with classic Christian works you will find words, subjects, and illustrations that don’t fit our cultural context or that are easy for us to understand. There is some of that with “The Cost of Discipleship” as we enter the language and culture of Nazi Germany. It is not always hindering, but at times it can make it a little hard to understand the point the author is attempting to make.

Also, the aggressive and blunt nature of how Bonhoeffer approaches the idea of counting the cost of following Jesus can be abrupt for the modern reader. Speaking in absolutes and deeply challenging the reader to a different lifestyle can come across as too bold for a younger audience.

Lastly, the length of the book, with longer chapters included, could keep younger people and even youth pastors from attempting to read this work. Readers today are used to bitesize works and taking in information in small sample sizes. This book will take more time but is worth the effort because of the encouragement and challenges it offers to all believers.

Why Good for Youth Ministers to Read

Bonhoeffer’s classic work remains remarkably relevant, especially for today’s youth pastors navigating the complexities of ministry in a post-Christian world. The main theme of cheap grace that encompasses this book resonates deeply with youth pastors seeking are shaping the future leaders of the Church, urging them to instill a faith that is both deeply rooted in Scripture and boldly lived out in the world. The author provides many great examples from God’s Word and the world that are still relevant for students today.

Moreover, the writer’s emphasis on the community amongst believers as vital to the Christian life offers practical insights for youth pastors building and nurturing youth groups. He underscores the importance of accountability, mutual support, and shared commitment to Christ—a message that can inspire and guide those engaged in youth ministry.

With long-term mentoring relationships, this book would be a helpful tool for youth leaders to go through with their students. It would take time and intentionality but would be a valuable tool in helping students to grow in their commitment to following Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Finally, "The Cost of Discipleship" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer is essential reading for youth pastors who want to deepen their understanding of discipleship and inspire a new generation of committed followers of Christ. Bonhoeffer’s depth of insight, rooted in the Bible and real-life experience, continues to offer timeless wisdom and guidance for everyone called to lead others on the path of Christian discipleship.


YPT in Action: Ericson Joubert


YPT in Action: Jennifer Kvamme